With CRM Solutions
Set Up Your Sales and Quote Automation

Sales and Offer Preparation Software

In Sales Processes
Full Automation

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Get rid of all workloads

Let us transform your current way of doing business into a CRM software tailored for you. Run a fast, standardized, error-free and enjoyable sales process.

Follow from anywhere, on any device

Instantly follow everything that happens in the sales and offer processes in your CRM. Let your entire team access all the information they are looking for from anywhere.

Work with pleasure with easy interfaces

Get rid of complicated interfaces WhatsApp and spreadsheets. Let all processes flow spontaneously, and everything you are looking for will be at your fingertips at any time.

Corporate CRM Solutions

Custom Software Flexibility. Experience and Expertise. Fanatical Customer Success Support.

SmartRise CRM Starter

For companies that subcontract a large part of the project and follow the project progress through subcontractor progress payments

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SmartRise CRM Standard

For companies that follow the project progress over the baseline budget by making budget planning at the beginning of the work

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SmartRise CRM Professional

For companies that have a detailed data culture and want to instantly see the cost of completion with Earned Value Analysis

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Get Rid of the Hassles in All Sales and Offer Preparation Processes

Sales Opportunity Management

Collect All Deals in One Place

Especially those who do corporate sales know that; Sales conversion times vary between 3 and 18 months. However, most sales managers focus on high-probability opportunities that will quickly turn into sales and forget about the others.

80% of losses in sales processes occur because it is not the right time for the customer to make a purchasing decision. Teams that can continuously follow these opportunities over time have the chance to close the sale at conversion time.

Never miss an opportunity thanks to sales opportunity management that will allow you to follow all opportunities until they are converted.

Sales Opportunity Management

Automatic Quote Outputs

Create Great Offers with One Click

For organizations that generate a high number of proposals, the biggest loss of time occurs in the proposal preparation process. Doing all calculations from scratch and making format adjustments on the outputs not only wastes time but also causes risks of errors.

Visual defects and calculation errors will prolong the proposal preparation process as well as the inspection and approval processes. Sales managers can increase their turnover by focusing on sales coaching and bid strategy instead of devoting their valuable time to bid control.

Recover lost time by first standardizing your proposal outputs and then making them downloadable with a single click. Let your CRM do all the calculations for you. Get great-looking quote printouts every time. Moreover, it is error-free and problem-free.

Automatic Quote Outputs
Interview Notes and Things to Do

Interview Notes and Things to Do

Create Your Corporate Customer Memory

Long proposal conversion processes, work changes in the team, customer budget adjustments and suspensions due to agenda changes cause sales conversions to take months and years. It becomes impossible to remember, especially as the number of leads increases. By creating your corporate memory, you need to make sure that you do not miss or forget any detail.

Record all conversations. Collect customer requests, offers and meeting notes in one place. Even if months and years pass, don't forget any detail. Make your customers feel that they are important.

Performance Reports and Analysis

Performance Reports and Analysis

Automate Reporting

Access all the reports and analyzes that are important to you with a single click. Access all the reports, graphs, analyzes and details you want, need and dream of with a single click.

Compile sales data and shape your marketing (and even product development) narratives and strategies based on one-on-one customer conversations. Collect the market's needs directly from prospective customers and direct your company's future.

Meet speed and full control capabilities thanks to Reporting Automation.

Recover Your Lost Sales Opportunities

With CRM Solutions

Make the best investment in the future of your business

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Flexible and Powerful Technology || Free Analysis and POC || Customer Success Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Things you wonder about Corporate CRM Software

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is the general name of the systems that businesses use to manage customer relationships. CRM systems are the methods used by businesses to make relationships with their existing and potential customers the most efficient, effective and ultimately profitable. CRM software ensures that your business' activities are carried out in a healthier and more result-oriented manner. Thus, much better performance can be achieved against customers, business partners and competitors. By using the right marketing methods, you can increase your income and create loyal customers.

Although it is called customer relationship management, most CRM programs are designed as a kind of business management software where you can only manage the sales tracking process from a single system. It generally does not provide a good option for proposal preparation and post-sales process management.

It is possible to find hundreds of powerful alternatives in the ready-made CRM software market, some free and some paid. In fact, most systems allow you to start active use within a few days. Since ready-made software offers an existing culture within itself, it will be useful for many companies to provide not only a system but also a CRM perspective.

For companies that have their own sales and marketing culture, the flexibility capabilities of these software may not be sufficient. In this case, the company may have to revise its entire existing perspective and way of working according to these software. Adapting your team to a different structure may cause you to lose your current culture.

In particular, bid automation and bid preparation modules are not available in most systems. Reporting and flexibility capabilities are limited. In such a case, you need special software to make all sales and after-sales processes comply with your standards and rules. Since SmartRise has a software development infrastructure within itself, it can be developed specifically for you, including Corporate CRM and more.

Corporate standards and guidelines are often insufficient to create corporate culture and maintain it during team changes. In order to apply the rules and control the workflows, a system that the entire team can use easily is needed. Although office programs enable you to set up your entire system, they cannot guarantee that the rules will not be violated or formats and accounts will not be corrupted.

However, when you transform your existing culture into a system with software, it will be possible to achieve a process management that is free from errors and losses and independent of people. Moreover, you can ensure that all processes flow automatically thanks to features such as reminders, weekly reports sent by e-mail, and timeout automations. In this way, you can move your management and control workloads to software.

SmartRise Software

Construction Site Management Software
Control Your Construction Site Remotely with Construction Site Management Software
Document and Process Management Software
Digitize and Report Tracking of Your Documents, Quality and All Processes
Budget Management Software
Intervene Early in Your Project and Company Costs


Construction Documentation Management System
Solve all the document and process management needs of your Construction Projects in a single system
Testing and Commissioning Software
Tracking Hundreds of Tests and Thousands of Test Steps is now easier than ever
Work Schedule / Planning Software
Report all your Weekly and Monthly Manufacturing reports on a single screen

SmartProcure Software Solutions

Purchasing and Procurement Software
We have collected the experience of leading Purchasing and Supply Experts in one software for you.
Warehouse Stock and Shipping Software
YoneTeam Warehouse Inventory Software for Complete Warehouse and Stock Numbers with Low Error Risk
Machinery Supply Software
Intervene immediately with Maintenance and Malfunction Tracking and Report Equipment Expenses with One Click