EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) , also known as Electronic Document Management System in Turkish, is software with which you can manage your business's documents. You can organize, collect and store your documents. EDMS helps in organizing and storing your digital data as well as storing and preserving paper documents. It is a special document management system. While you can scan your paper documents and transfer them to digital media, you can also create and edit your documents directly digitally. It allows storing large numbers of digital documents in a central location.
Although they have common aspects with content management systems, document management systems differ from content management systems in many ways. The document management system is mostly used for archiving documents. You can make a classification and perform detailed operations for digital documents. You can easily access your archived digital documents with the help of a few keywords or a few subject searches. It is very important for businesses to access information at any time. You can easily access and manage critical documents with EDMS. They also allow you to control workflows in your business.
Why do you need an EDMS? You can ensure that your documents awaiting approval between units or from managers receive faster approval with EDMS. You can get the approval of the person responsible for your project by authorizing it through the system. In a standard approval procedure, you will either need to sign on paper documents or send the document via e-mail and the other party will need to download that document, print it, sign it, scan it again and send it to you via e-mail. In the digital environment, you can give the necessary approval for the document with a single approval window. Thus, unnecessary waste of time in your workflow will be prevented.
Your documents can be stored in a more reliable environment. Cloud-based systems store your documents on servers on the web, allowing you to access them whenever you want and helping to protect your data in case of deletion. Your documents can be backed up and recovered.
One of the biggest advantages of managing your documents with an EDMS is undoubtedly keeping all your documents in the same place and easily accessible. Your entire team or other teams can easily access your documents within their authority. You can choose EDMS for your business to keep all your records under control.
What are the conveniences that EDMS provides for your business?
One of the document management programs widely used in our age is MS Excel. Although it brings many conveniences for users, Excel files are inadequate for today's business conditions. Although these person-dependent programs seem advantageous for only one person, they can cause various problems in team work or when more than one person needs to edit that document. Each person will work with different formats, columns and rows. Standard Excel commands may be insufficient or incorrect calculations may be made. While additional macros may be needed, undesirable situations such as viruses and data deletion may occur. All these problems will lead to performance problems. Web-based EDMS systems are systems where hundreds of users can work simultaneously without being affected by data sizes. Data security and backup operations are among the basic features by hosting on web servers. You can easily access data and documents wherever you have internet and a browser. You can observe and execute your projects.
You can easily make your calculations on the system, perform instant monitoring and run your processes effectively. These software will provide you with a planning system and will also facilitate your cost management and analysis. With quick solutions, coordination between different units of your company will be ensured. Document management systems combined with purchasing and supply systems, construction site management systems, cost control systems and planning systems will help you increase the efficiency of your business. SmartRise is an advanced software that includes all the features necessary for your business in document management. You can also choose SmartRise solutions with advanced EDMS features.